A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Mountains and Green Economy

The “International Conference on Green Economy and Sustainable Mountain Development: Opportunities and Challenges in View of Rio+20,” recently brought together international, regional and national experts and policy-makers in Kathmandu (Nepal) to discuss the relevance and scope of the green economy in the context of sustainable mountain development. An outcome of the two-day workshop and one-day Conference was the “Kathmandu Declaration on Green Economy and Mountain Development," which includes recommendations to feed into the UNCSD (Rio+20) process regarding:
- the recognition of benefits derived from mountains;
- the establishment of global, regional, national and local mechanisms to compensate and reward mountain communities for the services mountains provide;
- the establishment of favorable conditions for improving markets for mountain ecosystem goods and services;
- a green economy in mountains based on equity; and
- access to resources and property rights for mountain women, indigenous communities and marginalized groups.

Further information

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