A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ACTO: Environmental Agenda

The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) met from 31 August-1 September in Brasilia, (Brazil) to discuss areas for future cooperation and common action under ACTO's environment agenda, including the participation of its eight member countries in UNCSD (Rio+20).

The ACTO Permanent Secretariat presented its proposal for an Amazonian Cooperation Platform on the environment, while delegations explained the environmental policy making process and institutions in their countries and outlined their priorities for Amazonian cooperation on the environment. The Secretariat was asked to present a revised proposal, taking into account input from delegations, at the Amazonian Cooperation Council (CCA) meeting in October, which could then recommend action to the Meeting of Foreign Ministers.

Press Release

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