A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Botwana: Judgement on Kalahari Bushmen's access to water

Survival International reports an important victory for the Kalahari bushmen in Botswana in their court case involving the right to water. 

In a momentous decision, Botswana’s Court of Appeal today quashed a ruling that denied the Kalahari Bushmen access to water on their ancestral lands.
With support from Survival, the Bushmen appealed a 2010 High Court judgment that prevented them from accessing a well which they rely on for water. The panel of five Appeal Court judges has found that:
·       the Bushmen have the right to use their old borehole, which the government had banned them from using
·       the Bushmen have the right to sink new boreholes
·       the government’s conduct towards the Bushmen amounted to ‘degrading treatment’.
·       the government must pay the Bushmen’s costs in bringing the appeal.

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