A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Major Groups: Preparation for Rio+20

The following new initiatives and publications have been announced in preparation for UNCSD (Rio+20):

- The NGO Major Group has created an interactive website to share news, start discussions, upload videos or post events. The Group has also created a wikispace to prepare statements and joint documents for the Conference. NGO Major Group Website and NGO Major Group Wikispace

-The Farmers Major Group has issued a notice to solicit submissions on the green economy, institutional framework for sustainable development (IFSD) governance, and emerging issues and objectives of the Conference. Farmers Notice

-Local Authorities published a Briefing Sheet explaining the role of subnational governments in the green economy, and announced a forthcoming study titled "Local Sustainability 2012."  Local Sustainability 2012 News

The Group also announced a paper on the role of local governments suggesting that local governments do not appear in the current environmental governance regime, and notes that their representation at UN bodies is defined as "non-governmental."   

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