A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bushmeat meeting concludes

Approximately 55 experts from 43 Governments and UN agencies, international and national organziations and indigenous and local community organizations (Joint meeting of CBD Bushmeat Liaison Group and CITES Central Africa Bushmeat Working Group) met from 7-10 June in Nairobi (Kenya) and adopted a set of recommendations seeking to reverse the growing trend of illegal trade in the meat and other parts of wild mammals, birds and reptiles ("bushmeat").

In addition to recognizing the need to clarify and define land tenure and access rights, improve monitoring of bushmeat-harvesting and trade, and enhance bushmeat-related law enforcement; key recommendations to stakeholders include:

- Implement community wildlife management, and other improved wildlife management approaches, such as game ranching, and hunting tourism;

- Increase the raising of "mini-livestock" (wild animals such as cane rats raised in small farms);

- Support the sustainable harvesting of non-timber forest products, such as bee-keeping.

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