A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

UNECA: Workshop in Preparation for Rio 2012

The UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) convened a three-day workshop on Institutional and Strategic Frameworks for Sustainable Development, from 7-9 March 2011, in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). The objective of the workshop was to enable the African region to reach a consensus on its key sustainable development concerns and priorities, effectively articulate them and ensure that they are reflected in the UNCSD outcomes. 

The workshop's outcome will feed into the African Regional Preparatory Conference, which is aimed at adopting a consensus statement for the UNCSD, which will be presented for endorsement to the African Union (AU) Heads of State Summit in January 2012. [UNECA Press Release 14] [UNECA Press Release 15]

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