A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

UNCSD (Rio+20) Bureau

The UNCSD (Rio+20) Bureau met on 7 and 9 March. On the 7th, Bureau members discussed the draft decision text that would be presented to the concurrent PrepCom II, to secure a mandate on the process for the preparation of the draft outcome document for UNCSD. Minutes 

At the Bureau meeting after PrepCom II, on the 9th, some Bureau members highlighted the concern during the adoption of this decision regarding the text indicating that the preparation process would take place “within existing resources,” noting that this could take away resources from other processes or activities. They noted that both the 2nd and 5th Committees of the 66th session of the UN/GA might revisit this point, and Bureau Members were advised to discuss this matter within their constituencies, to help avoid disruptions to the preparatory process. The Bureau also discussed the UNEP-GC decision to invite the PrepCom to initiate a full analysis of the financial, structural and legal implications and comparative advantages of the options identified in the Nairobi-Helsinki Outcome, and considered options for moving forward with this proposal. The representative of Brazil indicated that her country preferred calling the event “Rio+20” rather than “Rio 2012,” as the UN had recently proposed to do. Minutes

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