A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

UN-SG: Report on the Work of the Organization

The UN/GA has circulated the Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization (A/66/1). Coverage includes:
-  responses to disasters and the fact that the UN has begun to place a higher premium on disaster risk reduction and to forge new types of partnerships with the business community and civil society;
- responses to development needs underlining the outcome of LDC-IV, by which States committed to address the structural challenges faced by LDCs;
- a call for UNCSD (Rio+20) to agree on “an ambitious and actionable framework that complements the Millennium Development Goals” (MDGs), to follow the 2015 target date for meeting the eight MDGs;
- the needs of Africa and the worsening problems (extreme poverty, unemployment, armed conflicts, sexual and gender-based violence) masked by the region’s overall economic growth. In response, the UN is working to advance implementation of the Declaration on Enhancing UN-African Union (AU) Cooperation: Framework for the 10-Year Capacity-Building Programme for the AU, and partnering with governments to boost financing in sustainable forest management and other areas;
- climate change and its importance to global peace and prosperity; calling for “sustained global cooperation coupled with accelerated national actions to reduce emissions and strengthen climate resilience.” It praises the results of the Cancun Climate Change Conference as having provided an important set of tools that now must be put into practice;
- the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP), which aims to provide a practical road map for sustainable, climate-resilient development that addresses poverty eradication, energy, food, water and other key issues, the recommendations of which are expected to provide input to UNCSD (Rio+20);
- participation of the business community and the successful integration through the “private sector track” at LDC-IV providing a model for closer engagement around UNCSD (Rio+20) and other high-level events.

Lastly, the report notes that “achieving sustainable development is imperative" and in the view of the UN-SG, a crucial part of this agenda will be forging a sustainable global energy strategy.

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