A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Action-Oriented Recommendations for UNCSD (Rio+20)

The Brookings Institution has published an opinion piece by William Brown offering nine recommendations for UNCSD (Rio+20). Asserting that the current financial and political climate is a “bear-trap for action,” attributing this in particular to the US, and noting that the Report of the UN/S-G for the Conference offers little guidance for action, Brown lists the following nine actions to advance environmental quality:
1) commission a new, independent, credible assessment of environmental status and trends;
2) agree to develop common measures for monitoring status and trends in environmental quality;
3) establish a new organizational framework for international environmental leadership;
4) agree that national governments will take steps to redress any demonstrated degradation in environmental quality and upload a description of those measures to the UN website;
5) agree to launch a global initiative to freeze and preserve the DNA and viable tissue of all known species and new species as they are discovered;
6) agree to promote and invest in science and cultural education for environmental quality by funding educational programs of environmental agencies;
7) agree to promote and invest in education for women;
8) agree to invest in the conduct and dissemination of research and the recruitment of talent applied to environmental quality; and
9) agree to develop and invest in physical and regulatory infrastructure promoting environmental quality.

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