A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Rio+20: Rescheduled?

According to reports from the UNCSD Bureau, the President of Brazil has proposed new dates for UNCSD (Rio+20). They have already been discussed with the UN/S-G and he has expressed his support. Discussion on the new dates for the PrepCom (13-15 June) and for the Conference (20-22 June) now shifts to the UN/GA's 2nd Committee where Member States are already negotiating the precise 'modalities' of the Conference. It is presumed that the proposal will be accepted, as it comes at the request of the Host Country.

Rationale given for the change of dates is to "ensure opportunity for participation at the highest possible level" coinciding with the next G20 Summit in Mexico from 18-19 June, 2012 and to avoid overlap with commitments of Commonwealth Members to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

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