A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

15 Principles for Green Economy

In recognition of the need for the international community to agree on a common ethical framework to achieve an ambitious outcome at Rio+20, the Stakeholder Forum, in collaboration with BioRegional and the Earth Charter Initiative, has published “Principles for the Green Economy," which includes consolidation of 15 principles, together with their analysis.
The 15 principles are:
- equitable distribution of wealth;
- economic equity and fairness;
- intergenerational equity;
- precautionary approach;
- the right to development;
- internalization of externalities;
- international cooperation;
- international liability;
- information, participation and accountability;
- sustainable consumption and production (SCP);
- strategic, coordinated and integrated planning to deliver sustainable development, the green economy and poverty alleviation;
- a just transition;
- redefining well-being;
- gender equality; and
- safeguarding biodiversity and preventing pollution of any part of the environment.

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