A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Climate Change and Human Rights Conference

The Bar Council of Uttarakhand and and the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies of India will host a conference titled: ClimateChange and Human Rights: In the Light of Indian Constitution on 13-14 August at Uttarakhand Academy of Administration in Nainital (India).
The conference will bring together leading experts, policymakers and government officials to discuss:
- Human rights violations due to changing climate;
- State responsibility and the notion of ‘welfare sate’ in a climate constrained world;
- Constraints to meet the MDGs and minimum policy mandates under Chapter IV of the   Constitution of India;
- Fundamental rights violations due to climate change;
- The role of of the judiciary and legal fraternities in ensuring protection of societies from adverse effect of climate change; and
- Climate related movement and security challenges.

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