A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Friday, July 29, 2011

ECOSOC: Committee on Geospatial Information Management

ECOSOC has agreed to establish a committee of experts on global geospatial information management to coordinate international dialogue on spatial data infrastructures and enhance cooperation in that field. The committee will comprise experts from all member States, with representatives from international organizations as observers. It is mandated, inter alia, to provide a platform for the development of effective strategies on how to build and strengthen national capacity on geospatial information, especially in developing countries, and contribute to the establishment of spatial data infrastructures.
UN Press Release


UNEP has launched a series of "Issues Briefs" on the environmental dimension of the institutional framework for sustainable development (IFSD), one of the themes of UNCSD (Rio+20). To date, UNEP has released the following briefs: - Importance of Environmental Pillar to IFSD;
- Fragmentation of Environmental Pillar and its Impact on Efficiency and Effectiveness;
- Country Responsiveness: Implementation and Capacity Support for the Environmental Pillar of IFSD; and
- Legal Questions and Answers on IEG Reforms: WEO and UNEO?]

UN/GA: Human Right to Water and Sanitation

The UN/GA has concluded its debate on challenges to achieving the human right to water and sanitation in the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), with some delegates stressing the impact of climate change on the realization of this right, in particular in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing States (SIDS)

Press Release

IIED Briefing on Traditional Knowledge

This new briefing in the series "Reflect and Act" is concentrated on IIED's work to assist indigenous and local communities to protect their rights over traditional knowledge. It showcases how ‘biocultural heritage’ offers a framework for protecting community rights and biodiversity.   

FAO: Ecosystem Services in Agriculture

A new publication titled "Payments for Ecosystem Services and Food Security" has been released by FAO examining the role of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in agriculture; the relevance of the OECD agri-environmental measures for PES; opportunities and gaps in PES implementation and key areas for further investigation; cost-effective targeting of PES; social and cultural drivers behind the success of PES; landscape labelling approaches to PES through bundling services, products and stewards; enabling conditions and complementary legislative tools; and PES within the context of a green economy.

IMO: Ban on Heavy Fuel OIl in the Antarctic

A ban on heavy fuel oil in the Antarctic will enter into force on 1 August. The ban is contained in an amendment to MARPOL (Resolution MEPC.189(60), 26 March, 2010), with a new chapter on "Special requirements for the use or carriage of oils in the Antarctic area." The effect of the new chapter is to prohibit the use of heavy fuel oils by ships transiting the Antarctic area, which will have to switch to higher grade fuels while in the area.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Australia Environmental Law Council

The Environmental and Planning Law Group of the Law Council of Australia is holding its 2nd Environmental Law Symposium in Sydney (Australia) on Friday 25 November titled: "The Future of Environmental Law". The occasion will also honor the contribution that Emeritus Professor Ben Boer and Professor Robert Fowler have made, and continue to make, in both Australia and internationally to the study and teaching of environmental law.
The title of the Symposium is designed to provoke some discussion about the directions and value of environmental law as the 20th anniversary of the Rio Declaration and the 20th anniversary of the Framework Convention on Climate Change draw near, as well as what the next 20 years holds for society and the planet

Five sessions during the Symposium will address the themes in the following areas:
- Land;
- Air;
- Water;
- Energy; and
- Courts and Institutions.

Expressions of interest, abstracts, and a short CV are sought from speakers for each of the sessions. The information should be sent to matthewbaird@wentworthchambers.com.au by no later than 15 August 2011. Speakers will be advised by 30 August 2011. Final papers to be provided by 15 November 2011.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

UN/DESA: IFSD and Peer Review

The "Issues Brief: Lessons from the Peer Review Mechanism" by UN/DESA,  focuses on options for strengthening IFSD and summarizes peer review mechanisms currently in place in UN system institutions while considering their potential to contribute to the implementation of international agreements. The brief describes peer review as distinct from compliance enforcement mechanisms or other dispute settlement bodies, such as courts or cap and trade systems. It indicates that peer review seeks to promote compliance through a constructive, persuasive, learning-based and non-adversarial process that rests on the equality of the parties concerned and therefore respects national sovereignty.

Website of Issues Briefs

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pacific PrepCom for UNCSD (Rio+20)

The UNCSD (Rio+20) Subregional Preparatory Committee for Pacific Countries convened in Apia (Samoa) from 21-22 July. The over 80 participants, including 13 ministers adopted “in principle” an outcome document (Rio+20/Pacific/2011/4-1/Draft) and agreed that Pacific Island Countries (PICS) and the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP) would provide comments on the document prior to 1 August 2011.

IISD-RS Coverage
PIC Ministers

Monday, July 25, 2011

UNEP: New Draft Treaty Text for Mercury Negotiations

UNEP has released a an advanced copy of the "new draft [treaty] text for a comprehensive and suitable approach to a globally legally binding instrument on mercury" in preparation for the 3rd round of negotiations under the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) from October 31-November 4 in Nairobi (Kenya). The text addresses challenges including:
- supply of, and interantional trade in, mercury;
- products and processes that use mercury, including artisanal and small-scale gold mining;
- emissions and releases of mercury into the atmosphere, water and land; and
- mercury storage, wastes and contaminated sites.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

FAO/CGRFA-13: Outcomes

The 13th regular session of FAO's Commission on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA-13) has: adopted the Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA); established an Ad hoc Technical Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS) for genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA); and developed a roadmap for climate change and GRFA.

IISD-RS Coverage

IDLO: Tribunals and Courts Tool

The International Development Law Organisation (IDLO) has launched an online research tool on "Sustainable Development in the Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals 1992-2012." Organized into eight sections: sustainable development, sustainable use of natural resources, equity and poverty eradication, integration, precaution, openness, common but differentiated responsibilities, and good governance; the tool allows the user to research how various bodies have referred to, or used, the concept of sustainable development, and related international legal principles over the last 20 years.

Discussions on IFSD for Rio+20

The High-Level Dialogue on the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development (IFSD)  concluded on 21 July with a call for integration, implementation and greater coordination and coherence among international and regional institutions, in order to strengthen IFSD. Proposals emerging from the Dialogue, included: the need to strengthen the environmental pillar of sustainable development while at the same time reinforcing the economic and social pillars and achieving greater balance among the three; the creation of a world environmental organization; and the formation of a sustainable development council.

The outcome will be summarized in a report prepared by the host Government with the support of the UNCSD Secretariat, formulating concrete proposals that could be taken up for consideration and possible adoption at UNCSD (Rio+20).

Friday, July 22, 2011

UN Women: Green Economy and UNCSD (Rio+20)

UN Women is conducting a survey on "Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment in a Green Economy," as part of the preparatory process for UNCSD (Rio+20). A report is expected to be published and launched during Rio+20 identifying experiences and initiatives, and providing ideas for decision-makers and development practitioners in government, the UN system, civil society and the private sector on concrete initiatives that can be scaled up and replicated to accelerate women’s economic empowerment in the green economy.
The deadline for completion of the online survey is 1 August 2011.

Transboundary Conservation and Conflict Resolution

IUCN has published "Crossing Borders for Nature: European examples of transboundary conservation" aiming to improve transboundary conservation in the mountainous border zone between Albania, Macedonia and the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).

In addition to the large-scale ecological benefits of protecting extensive natural areas, supporting species migrations, reducing the risk of biodiversity loss, generating additional income opportunities, and helping to resolve political conflicts; the report emphasizes that integrating conservation of two or more protected areas across an international boundary implies gaining the necessary political support and/or support of protected area managers, and that political indifference and lack of commitment can impede the establishment of a transboundary initiative.

ICIMOD: CBD Implementation

New Book! Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity: A retrospective analysis in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan countriesThe International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) has released a new publication titled: Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity: A retrospective analysis in the Hindu Kush-Himalyan countries. Using the national reports to CBD as the primary source, the paper examines progress made by the eight countries of the region: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Myanmar and Pakistan.

New Global Network Established

The Global Network of Prosecutors and General Attorneys was recently launched during the 9th International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement from 20-24 June in British Columbia (Canada). This initiative is an outcome of the workplan developed by the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law (IUCN-CEL) Specialist Group for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement and is being carried out in cooperation with the International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE).

The Network will emphasize activities that ensure compliance with legal protections for flora and fauna, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and habitats. Potential specific areas of focus include fish, forest and wetlands. The Network is to be formed from prosecutors and attorneys general that are educated on environmental compliance and enforcement issues and possess the skills and tools, relative to their legal system and culture, to successfully prosecute environmental crimes.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

WTO: Renewable Energy Arbitration

The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism has established a Panel to arbitrate in the Japan vs. Canada case on measures applied to Canada's renewable energy sector. It will examine the case "Canada - Certain Measures Affecting the Renewable Energy Generation Sector" to determine whether Ontario's feed-in-tariff programme violates WTO law when providing guaranteed long-term pricing for the output of renewable energy generation facilities that source up to 60% of their inputs from Ontario. Domestic content requirements are not permitted under WTO law, although exceptions may be accepted for environmental purposes, if certain specific conditions are met.

UN Security Council: Impact of Climate Change

In a debate on 20 July, the UN Security Council considered the impact of climate change under the item entitled "Maintenance of international peace and security." Thereafter, President of the Security Council Ambassador Peter Wittig issued a Statement expressing the Council's "concern that possible adverse effects of climate change may, in the long run, aggravate certain existing threats to international peace and security."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

UN/GA: Resolution on "Happiness"

The UN/GA adopted Resolution A/RES/65/309 on 19 July titled “Happiness: Towards a holistic approach to development,” based on a draft text presented by the representative of Bhutan. The final text notes the inadequacy of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as an indicator of the wellbeing of a people in a country, and invites States to elaborate additional measures for incorporating wellbeing into development policies and into the measurement of social and economic development.

The General Assembly agreed that Bhutan would convene a panel discussion on the theme  during the upcoming 66th General Assembly. Finally, it requested the UN Secretary-General to present a report on the pursuit of happiness and wellbeing at its 67th session.

Draft Resolution (A/65/L.86 + Add.1)

State of Research for UNCSD (Rio+20)

The Earth System Governance Project has launched an initiative to provide an overview of the state of research on the topics of IEG and IFSD aimed at contributing to the process leading to UNCSD (Rio+20). Activities include support to the project's researchers involved in the science-policy dialogue and synthesizing and initiating research and activities on these topics. The initiative is also designed to target decision-makers to contribute to actual improvements

See the website: www.ieg.earthsystemgovernance.org.

IWC-63 Outcomes

The 63rd annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was held from 11-14 July  in St Helier, Island of Jersey (UK). Among other issues, the Commission held extensive discussions on new and revised Rules of Procedure, and agreed by consensus on a Resolution on improving the effectiveness of operations within the IWC that also incorporated some changes to its Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations. In addition to the rule changes, the resolution included: investigating options for providing assistance to member governments with limited means to participate actively in the Commission’s work; establishing a working group to further consider the role of observers at IWC meetings; and agreeing to regularly review its rules in the light of international good practice and to address specific problems that may arise. The IWC also agreed to a new experimental procedure relating to the participation of NGOs in its plenary sessions.

With regard to a proposal sponsored by Brazil and Argentina for the creation of a South Atlantic Sanctuary, a number of whaling countries withdrew from the room when it was suggested to put the proposal to a vote. The agenda item was eventually left open until the 2012 annual meeting.  If consensus cannot be reached then, a decision will be taken in accordance with the Commission’s rules of procedure. IWC-64 will be held in June/July 2012, in Panama City (Panama).


Green Growth Guide

The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) has released a guide titled: Green growth – implications for development planning. It is primarily aimed at national planners and policy advisors in developing countries and focuses on the role of economic tools in planning for green growth challenges.

EU: Greater Integration of Environment

Environmental policy and climate change action are to be included in all of the EU's main funding instruments including cohesion, agriculture, maritime and fisheries policy, research and innovation and external aid under the proposal for the next Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2014-2020. It includes a budget of 382 million EUR for sustainable growth, the LIFE+ Programme will be split between the environment (2.4 billion EUR) and climate change (800 million EUR). The Commission proposes to allocate funds for research and development, with the risk of freezing the budget allocated to the Common Agricultural Policy.

USA: Oils Spills and Criminal vs. Civil Violations

In the wake of a number of recent onshore oil spills in the United States and the fact that the number of crude and refined oil pipelines continues to expand in the US, an article titled: If polluting was a criminal offense, would it happen as much? recently appeared in High Country News. Citing US Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood's current proposal for the "Pipeline Safety Action Plan" and the Environmental Crimes Enforcement Act of 2011 (S. 350) pending before Congress; the author concludes that there is need for guidance and further legislation to be developed to determine when it is appropriate to use criminal enforcement to deter offenders.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Upcoming Seminar: MPAs in ABNJ

An international seminar titled "Towards a legal framework for the creation and management of cross sectoral marine protected areas in areas beyond national jurisdiction" will take place September 19-21, Nausicaa Boulogne-sur Mer (France). 

The seminar's objectives are:
- to conduct a legal analysis of different possible options for the creations and management of cross-scectoral MPAs in ABNJ;
- to explore the political conditions that would enable the realisation of each legal option developed; and
- to adopted accordingly, specific recommendations that will be brought to international forums particularly in view to the 6th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands, UNCSD (Rio+20)and IUCN's 5th World Conservation Congress.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rio+20: Making It Happen, Volume 2, Issue 13

The latest issue of the newsletter from the Secretariat of UNCSD (Rio+20) highlights the special policy dialogue on “Education for Sustainable Development” that took place during the recent High-level Segment of ECOSOC; a meeting between the UNCSD Bureau and ECESA Plus; and several documents recently released or under production including a brief prepared by the UNCSD Secretariat analyzing existing peer review mechanisms of UN institutions, and how their experiences could contribute to the UNCSD. Other documents featured in the newsletter are: an article on measuring sustainable development; input from the European Commission’s public consultation on the UNCSD; and a report based on the survey, currently being conducted by UN Women, on “Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment in a Green Economy.”

Sunday, July 17, 2011

IMO: Mandating Emissions Reductions

Measures to reduce greenhouse gases from shipping have been adopted by parties to Annex VI (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) represented in the Marine Environment Protections Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organizations (IMO), which met for its 62nd session from 11-15 July. The adopted amendments to MARPOL Annex VI add a new chapter on regulations on energy efficiency for ships to make mandatory the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), for new ships, and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships. Other amendments to Annex VI add new definitions and the requirements for survey and certification, including the format for the International Energy Efficiency Certificate.

The new regulations apply to all ships of at least 400 gross tonnage and are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2013. In some cases, the requirements may be waived by the administration.

UNCSD (Rio+20): Eight Priorities

Sha Zukang, Secretary-General of UNCSD (Rio+20), summarized a recent speech in a new post to his blog elaborating on eight “new and emerging challenges” that States and other stakeholders have highlighted for priority attention.

The challenges are identified as:
1) green jobs and social inclusion, emphasizing the social pillar of sustainable development and the problem of unemployment;
2) energy access and security, noting the problem of energy poverty and calling for endorsement of the initiative for universal energy access by 2030;
3) food security and sustainable agriculture, calling for protecting soils, water, and biodiversity in efforts to feed more people;
4) sound water management, to combat desertification and drought, as well as the risk of conflict over scarce water;
5) urbanization and sustainable cities, noting the potential for cities – through building and transport practices – to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and solve other sustainable development problems;
6) management of the oceans and marine resources, calling for accelerated implementation of Chapter 17 of Agenda 21;
7) enhancing disaster preparedness and resilience, particularly in “vulnerable developing countries;” and
8) means of implementation, on which he noted developing countries’ need for international support to build greener infrastructure and industries, which he suggested could be met through a new public and private financing initiative, such as a global green economy fund.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Auditors and Sustainable Development

Sha Zukang, UN Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, speaking at the 21st session of the UN International Organziation of Supreme Audit Insitutions (SAIs), pointed out that these institutions, which promote sound financial management and overall accountability, are part of the solution to global problems. He highlighted the global problems of ocean damage, water scarcity, and food and oil prices and said, “without good governance, sustainable development will not be sustained,”

See the MEA Bulletin Guest Article, "Improving MEA Compliance: the Role of National Audit Offices," by Vivien Lo for further reading.

UNECE: Conference on Eco-innovation

The international conference titled: "Promoting Eco-innovation: policies and opportunities," took place in Tel Aviv (Israel) from 11-13 July and gathered policy-makers, academics and private sector representatives, who reviewed policy experiences in varying UNECE member States. Among the  ideas presented, speakers emphasized the need to embrace a broad concept of eco-innovation, going beyond a focus on research and development to include life-cycle considerations and the environmental impact of consumption patterns. Participants also discussed how eco-innovation policies should not be seen as a niche area, but rather as a mainstream strategic concern with multiple ramifications. The conclusions  are expected to provide an input to the UNCSD (Rio+20)
Conference Presentations

UN/S-G: Recent Comments on Sustainable Development

During his official visit to Finland, the UN/S-G met with President Tarja Halonen and called for greater attention to sustainable development, highlighting that climate change is a growing threat to people and economies worldwide. He stated that "our old model of growth is not only obsolete, it is also dangerous,” and underlined the need for a shift towards a green economy with the engagement of all stakeholders.

UN Press Release
Press Conference Transcript

Friday, July 15, 2011

Asia: Fighting Environmental Crime

Governments, international organizations and NGOs convened from 13-14 July in Bangkok (Thailand) to discuss illegal trade of flora and fauna at the 11th Asian Regional Partners Forum on Combating Environmental Crime (ARPEC). Among other topics, participants discussed the critical role of intelligence-sharing and media management in fighting organized environmental crime in Asian countries. They also emphasized that a key to defeating crimes against the environment is building an effective, pro-active response by developing a culture of intelligence-sharing among law enforcement agencies around the world.

IRENA: Africa Forum

.25 African ministers, 181 government delegates and 45 representatives from African and international organizations, industry and non-governmental organizations  attended IRENA's High-Level Africa Consultative Forum on Renewable Energy from 8-9 July in Abu Dhabi (UAE). The objective was to inform IRENA’s Work Programme for Africa on specific implementation challenges facing Africa with respect to renewable energy technologies, as well as practical approaches to generate the critical policy and technical information, advice and capacity required to support the extensive deployment of renewable energy in Africa. Participants also discussed opportunities in international fora such as UNCSD (Rio+20) and COP-17 of UNFCCC. At its conclusion, participants adopted the Abu Dhabi Communiqué on Renewable Energy for Accelerating Africa’s Development

Report of the meeting from IISD-RS

Forest Carbon Projects Guidance

To facilitate the development of forest carbon projects, the Katoomba Incubator at Forest Trends has compiled strategic guidance toemerging best practices. Drawing on practical experiences, this series of documents includes a step-by-step overview and detailed guidance documents on issues, tools and resources covering an array of project development needs. Notably, the series also includes guidance on conducting a Biodiversity Impact Assessment for forest carbon projects.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

World Bank: Low Emissions Development

The World Bank convened close to 70 senior policy makers and opinion leaders from around the world to a High-Level Dialogue on Low Emissions Development Policy Implementation on 13 July in Washington, D.C (USA). During the event, speakers identified poverty and climate change as the two defining challenges of this century, warning against the risk of reversing any gains on poverty if climate change is not addressed.
Dialogue Website

IUCN: Publication on Implementation of CBD

IUCN has published a reveiw of the status of implementation of CBD and its relevance to the 30 overseas entities that are connected to six EU Member States. Titled: "Future directions for biodiversity action in Europe overseas: Outcomes of the Review of the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), December 2010," it builds on IUCN’s earlier efforts in support of biodiversity conservation and adaptation to climate change in the EU overseas entities.

Goals of the review included identifying the current status of the various legal and policy instruments and the extent to which they have been implemented, as well as identifying the main lessons learned and documenting some of the best practices in the field of biodiversity conservation. One of the recommendations is that the EU and its institutions, especially the European Commission, should consider the establishment of an integrated policy framework for EU overseas entities and play a central role in ensuring the relevance and coherence between EU policies and the CBD’s post-2010 revised and updated strategic plan.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2011 Renewable Energy Report

The Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) has released its Renewables 2011 Global Status Report.

Chapter Four of the report provides insight into policy targets, power generation policies, green energy purchasing and labeling, heating and cooling policies, transport policies, and city and local government policies.

REN21 provides a forum for international leadership on renewable energy with the goal to bolster policy development for the rapid expansion of renewable energyies worldwide.

REN21 - Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century

IRENA: 1st Council Meeting

The Council convened its inaugural meeting from 10-11 July in Abu Dhabi (UAE) with 148 member states and the EU, as well as 32 observer states in attendance.  Upon opening, the Council elected Australia as Chair and the Republic of Korea as Vice-Chair for 2011. Members went on to endorse and approve the membership and terms of reference of three Committees:
- Finance Committee chaired by Antigua & Barbuda
- Governance and Legal Committee chaired by Tonga; and
- Policy and Strategy Committee chaired by the UK. 

The Council also approved the selection procedures for a US$350 million partnership between IRENA and the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, the Abu Dhabi’s government leading development agency. The fund will launch at the 2nd Assembly, 14-15 January 2012, and IRENA will immediately call to receive applications for funding. 

EC: Proposed Changes to CFP

The Commission has released its communication on proposed reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), aiming to make fishing “environmentally, economically and socially sustainable." The proposals will now be discussed in Parliament and Council and are expected to be adopted in November 2011. The reformed CFP would then enter into force in 2013.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

UN/GSP-3: Meeting Report

Mitglieder Global Sustainability Panel

The Secretariat of the High-level Panel on Global Sustainability has released the report of the Panel’s third meeting, as well as the report of the accompanying meeting of the Sherpas and Advisers to the Panel members.

GSP-4 will be held from 18-19 September in New York (USA).

Eye on Earth Summit

Through the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI), the Government of Abu Dhabi, in partnership with UNEP will host the Eye on Earth Summit from December 12-15 devoted to improving access and ability to use and leverage environmental data and information for the benefit of all communities of our global society.

The Summit will be preceded by a civil society forum on 11 December organized by UNEP.

Policy Implications of Biodiveristy and Poverty

The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) has announced the publication of a new paper titled: Biodiversity and Poverty: Ten Frequently Asked Question - Ten Policy Implications intended to stimulate discussion about the linkages between biodiversity, conservation and poverty reduction. Acknowledging the intricacies of the topic, IIED welcomes any feedback regarding: Are these the right questions? And the right answers? What else should we be asking—and trying to answer—to better understand (and enhance) the biodiversity-poverty relationship? Contributions may be sent to pclg@iied.org.  

Monday, July 11, 2011

Upcoming Conference on Ecosystem Services

The Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) will hold its 4th International conference on Ecosystem Services: from Science to Practice from 4-7 October, 2011 in Wageningen (The Netherlands). Key-outputs of the conference will be the launch of a Global Network of expert-groups and key-sites in all major biomes on ecosystem services research, management and restoration, and the launch of the Ecosystem Services Valuation Database (ESVD), partly as a result of the Global TEEB-study  and as contribution to the newly created Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

Sunday, July 10, 2011

AIMS: Preparations for UNCSD (Rio+20)

The UNCSD (Rio+20) Subregional Preparatory Committee for the Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and South China Sea (AIMS) Countries convened in Mahé (Seychelles) from 7-8 July to develop AIMS inputs into the preparatory process for the conference in June 2012.
Over 30 participants, including representatives from governments, UN bodies, NGOs and intergovernmental organizations adopted inter alia recommendations, including on the "blue-green" economy and strengthening the regional institutional framework for sustainable development, through building on the work of the Indian Ocean Commission and developing links with regional UN entities.

IISD RS Coverage

IPBES Capacity Building

The report has been released summarizing discussions from 25-27 May during the International Expert Meeting on [IPBES] and Capacity Building.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

New Report on Renewable Energy Investment

UNEP has released a publication titled "Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2011." Among the findings, it highlights a 91% overall increase in investment in small-scale projects globally.

UNCSD (Rio+20): Guidance for Input

The Co-Chairs of the Bureau for UNCSD (Rio+20) have issued a guidance note regarding input for the Outcome Document indicating that: its guidance is not binding; all submissions will be posted in full on the UNCSD website; and the guidance should not be interpreted as prejudging the structure or content of the zero draft of the Conference outcome document. Further information includes the deadline and method for submissions, length and general content of submissions, and specific elements to be considered.

Friday, July 8, 2011

2011 MDG Report

The report was launched by UN/S-G Ban Ki-moon on 7 July, during the high-level segment of the ECOSOC. IISD-RS provided the following summary regarding MDG 7 (environmental sustainability):

[T]he report indicates that the rate of deforestation and loss of forests from natural causes is slowing down. It notes that most forest loss is occurring in countries in the tropics, while the net gain is mostly found in countries in the temperate and boreal zones. The report estimates that the forestry sector, in particular deforestation, is responsible for one-sixth of all human-induced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It highlights the growth in the establishment of protected areas, which covers 13% of the world’s forests. On the target to reduce biodiversity loss, the report stresses that, despite the increase in protected ecosystems, biodiversity is still in decline due to inadequate management, underlining the need for efforts and innovative approaches to meet new targets for the conservation of priority ecosystems.

Using 2008 data, the report notes that global carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase. It indicates that, although per capita emissions remain highest in the developed countries, the gap in carbon dioxide emissions per capita between developed and developing countries has diminished since 1990. The report notes that emissions per unit of economic output fell by more than 36% in the developed regions and by about 9% in the developing regions. In terms of steps forward, the report highlights: the REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, as well as conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon stocks) mechanism; the Cancun Agreements of December 2010; and the success and continued work under the Montreal Protocol.

Ramsar: Handbooks on Wise Use

The Ramsar Secretariat has released the 4th edition of the Ramsar Handbooks for the wise use of wetlands is not available in English, French and Spanish in PDF format. The 20 handbooks, together with the Ramsar Strategic Plan 2009-2015, embody all of the current guidelines and advice officially adopted by the COPs on a range of wetland-related matters, including wetland policy and management, inventory and monitoring, river basin management, Ramsar Site designation, and international cooperation. The Secretariat also is preparing a CD-ROM edition, which will be available free of charge.

Interactive Map of Green Economy

The Secretariat of UNCSD (Rio+20) has added an interactive map to its website, highlighting green economy policies and practices by topic at the local, national, and regional levels.

UN Discussion on Rio+20 Outcomes

The Principles of ECESA Plus (the Executive Committee of Economic and Social Affairs (ECESA), plus the UN Development Group (UN/DG) and Environment Management Group (UN/EMG))  met on 6 July to discuss the UN system’s preparations for UNCSD (Rio+20). Participants discussed possible outcomes, including practical initiatives that could be launched, and their organizations’ inputs to the outcome document. On the outcome document, participants thought it should reflect the integration of the three pillars of sustainable development, particularly by giving more emphasis to the social pillar, including job creation, decent work, and social inclusion. They also considered the five options for institutional reform proposed by UNEP/GC-26. The Principals stressed the need to strengthen the UN’s institutional capacity under the environmental pillar of sustainable development, while also supporting and reforming the institutions addressing economic and social development.

ECESA Plus News

Thursday, July 7, 2011

EP: Climate Report Rejected

On the 5 July, the European Parliament rejected the report from the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety calling for the EU to set out an ambitious climate policy and increase its CO2 reduction target to 30% by 2020. Nonetheless, the failure to reach 30% doesn’t change the Union's ambitious negotiating position for COP-17 to UNFCCC.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

IPBES: Meetings to Operationalize

UNEP has provided an update on the two plenary meetings to be convened, in cooperation with UNESCO, FAO, UNDP, and others to fully operationalize IPBES. The first plenary from 3-7 October in Nairobi (Kenya) will bring together government representatives to consider the draft principles and procedures governing the work of IPBES, its governance structure, processes for nomination and selection of host institution(s) and host country for the platform, and initial elements of the work programme. The second session, to be held early in 2012, will determine modalities and institutional arrangements, and consider the detailed draft work programme of IPBES.


IOSEA: 6th Meeting

The Indian Ocean-South-East Asian Marine Turtle Conservation Memorandum of Understanding (IOSEA) under CMS will convene the 6th Meeting of IOSEA Signatory States, in Bangkok (Thailand) from 6-9 December. Formal letters of invitation and a provisional agenda will be circulated shortly.

OECD: Green Growth Strategy

The information note titled “The Green Growth Strategy Reshaping the OECD’s work agenda for the years to come” outlines the 2011-2013 work on green growth, which will be mainstreamed in OECD analytical work to enrich guidance on a number of country, sector and issue-specific areas. It also outlines upcoming work, quarter by quarter, on green growth through 2013, as well as key green growth events through 2012.

EU: GMOs and Member States

The European Parliament has voted for a proposal that would allow EU member States to ban or restrict the use of GMOs based on environmental grounds, such as pesticide resistance, the invasiveness of certain crops and a threat to biodiversity. It would add environmental reasons to a list of grounds based on which member States could restrict or ban GMO cultivation previously developed by the EU Commission as part of a reform of the current Directive regulating GMO approval at EU level. The proposal is expected to give member States better legal protection in the event of challenges to a decision to ban GMOs under international trade law.

EU Parliament Press Release

Africa: Common Position on Climate and Sustainable Development

During a High-level Roundtable held in parallel to the 17th African Union Summit from 30 June-1 July in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea), 53 African Heads of State stressed the need for a common position on sustainable development in the lead-up to UNCSD (Rio+20).

The Summit went on to adopt decisions urging the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC) to convene a meeting to consider the African Common Position on Climate Change, once it has been endorsed by the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) at its extra-ordinary session to be held in September 2011. In addition, AU members are urged concentrate on completing negotiations on climate finance.

On preparations for Rio+20, the Assembly urges members to participate in the preparatory meetings and invites them to develop a common African position, which should be represented by a single spokesperson.

UNEP News Release
African Union Press Release


During the 32nd Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM, participants discussed priority issues for the Community, including human and social development issues such as climate change, sustainable development, health, external trade and security issues.

On climate change, it was agreed to establish a team of experts to draft a regional plan of action to guide regional negotiators who will participate in UNFCCC/COP-17. They further requested that the postponed 3rd Joint Meeting of the Council for Human and Social Development and the Council for Trade and Economic Development take place as soon as possible, in order to facilitate work on the regional plan of action, as well as on the Implementation Plan for the Regional Climate Change Strategic Framework.

On sustainable development, participants recognized the importance of the upcoming UNCSD (Rio+20) and urged the Community to continue its preparations and consolidate a CARICOM position within the framework of the SIDS platform.

CARICOM Press Release 
Meeting Webpage

Award for Best Forest Policies

In support of the 2011 Year of Forests, the World Future Council's Future Policy Award will be given to the three most inspiring, innovative and influential forest policies worldwide. Bhutan, Gambia, Nepal, Rwanda, Switzerland and the USA have been shortlisted from a list of 20 policies from 16 states and the winners will be announced on 21 September at UN/HQ.

A Factsheet on the shortlisted policies is available here

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Finland Increases Support for Gender in Rio Conventions

Finland has announced that it will contribute EUR250,000 to the Special Voluntary Trust Fund of CBD to support implementation of the Gender Plan of Action and activities to mainstream gender in the three Rio Conventions and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). This will enable the Joint Coordination Group on Gender, established by the Secretariats of the three Rio Conventions to work towards the goal to lift, by 2020, gender as a cross-cutting priority and to ensure that it is integrated into thematic issues across the Rio Conventions and the GEF,

CBD Communiqué

OECD: Environment in Investment Agreements

This new working paper titled “Environmental Concerns in International Investment Agreements - A Survey,” establishes a statistical portrait of governments’ investment treaty practices in 1,623 international investment agreements (IIAs) and finds that over time, more treaties contain environmental language, and of the 1,623 treaties reviewed, only about 8% of the reference environmental concerns. It underscores that wide variations in the content of such language exist, both across countries and across time, but that the issues raised have hardly evolved at all, with neither climate change nor biodiversity issues represented in the sample, suggesting “a limited exchange between the investment and environmental policy communities.”

Aahrus Convention: MOP-4

MOP-4 took place from 29 June-1 July in Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) and marked the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Aarhus Convention. The session's decisions addressed, inter alia: access to justice; access to information; public participation in national decision-making as well as in international forums; GMOs; compliance; other procedures and mechanisms facilitating implementation; and promotion of the Convention, including the procedure for accession to the Convention by States from outside the region of the UNECE.

A high-level segment focused on the role of the Aarhus Convention in promoting sustainable development, in connection with UNCSD (Rio+20), providing an opportunity to discuss how the implementation of the Aarhus Convention has helped to enhance good governance and sustainable development across the region and beyond. The segment culminated with the adoption of the Chisinau Declaration “Rio Plus Aarhus – 20 Years on: Bearing Fruit and Looking Forward."

Climate Change and Human Rights Conference

The Bar Council of Uttarakhand and and the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies of India will host a conference titled: ClimateChange and Human Rights: In the Light of Indian Constitution on 13-14 August at Uttarakhand Academy of Administration in Nainital (India).
The conference will bring together leading experts, policymakers and government officials to discuss:
- Human rights violations due to changing climate;
- State responsibility and the notion of ‘welfare sate’ in a climate constrained world;
- Constraints to meet the MDGs and minimum policy mandates under Chapter IV of the   Constitution of India;
- Fundamental rights violations due to climate change;
- The role of of the judiciary and legal fraternities in ensuring protection of societies from adverse effect of climate change; and
- Climate related movement and security challenges.

Monday, July 4, 2011

South Asia: Women's Conference Defines Green Economy

As its contribution to regional input into the preparatory process for UNCSD (Rio+20), the Third Annual Conference of the South Asia Women’s Network (SWAN) has issued the Dhaka Declaration defining green economy as "...an economic system that ensures social justice and equity, protects the ecological balance and creates economic sufficiency."

International Experts Issue Joint Statement on UNCSD (Rio+20)

“Now is the Time! WhyRio+20 must succeed“ has been issued by 13 eminent international experts on sustainable development governance from seven countries. The joint statement is an explicit call to seize the historic opportunity of UNCSD (Rio+20) and includes the following key messages:

· World leaders should rise to the occasion and agree upon an ambitious green economy strategy that gives equal emphasis to sustainable development and poverty eradication.
· The UN requires stronger authority and better instruments if it is to tap the full potential in advancing sustainable development.
· The UN needs to improve performance on sustainable development, whether by establishing an organizational “umbrella” for the UN’s environmental and sustainable development policies or by creating a UN specialized agency that builds on the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
· Governments are called to prioritize the Rio+20 conference to brace their societies for a transition to a green economy in the context of their respective country’s particular situation, and to finally enable the UN to act as a global advocate for sustainable development.

New Publication on Forest Governance

FAO and the World Bank's Program on Forests (PROFOR) have released a publication titled : "Framework for Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance." By drawing on several approaches currently in use in major forest governance-related processes and initiatives, the framework is intended to be used by governmental and non-governmental actors involved in forest governance.

The publication describes the design, structure and elements of the framework, as well as its subcomponents, including: policy, legal, institutional and regulatory frameworks; planning and decision-making processes; and implementation, enforcement and compliance.

FAO: Agriculture and Green Economy

During the 37th Session of the FAO Conference, from 25 June-2 July 2011, FAO member countries discussed the scenarios, challenges and policy options outlined in the "Greening the Economy with Agriculture" Concept Note and FAO preparations for UNCSD (Rio+20).

EP: Draft Motion for Position at Rio+20

The European Parliament Environment Committee presented a motion on July 1 "in view of developing a common EU position ahead of [UNCSD] (Rio+20)which will next be discussed early September. Furthermore, the Polish Presidency to the Council will organize a conference in preparation for  Rio +20 in Warsaw from 11-12 October.

New Publication on Aahrus Convention

The Aarhus Convention at TenThe edited volume 'The Aarhus Convention at Ten', has recently been published as the first book devoted specifically to the MEA and its implementation. Based on the proceedings of a conference held in Amsterdam in June 2008, the book is a collection of contributions by scholars and practitioners addressing various aspects of the relationship between the provisions of the Convention and the development of EU environmental law. The various contributions discuss synergies and conflicts across the three ‘pillars’ of the Aarhus Convention and examine the broader legal and institutional implications of these interactions for the development of both EU law and international environmental law.

More information

Global Green Growth Summit

Organized under the theme "Building Planet - Responsible Civilization," the 1st annual Global Green Growth Summit from 20-21 June in Seoul (Republich of Korea) explored: development strategies for green growth, prospects and challenges for the Republic of Korea's economy, enhancing global governance, and increased cooperation between the Republic of Korea and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The meeting ended with a message by President Lee Myung-bak, who stated that technology is key to a green economy with low carbon emissions.

Rio+20 News
GGGI Summit Proceedings

Sunday, July 3, 2011

OECD: Paper on Enforcement

This research paper titled “Environmental Enforcement in Decentralised Governance Systems: Toward a Nationwide Level Playing Field” focuses on methods to promote consistency in the implementation of environmental law. In particular, it analyzes approaches to managing environmental compliance monitoring and enforcement in several countries with decentralized systems of environmental governance, including Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the US.

Rio+20: Making It Happen, Volume 2, Issue 12

The latest issue of "Rio+20: Making It Happen" highlights the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All (2012), noting that energy access, efficiency and sustainability are “core issues” for Rio+20. Related initiatives being supported by the UN/DESA include the 2nd Vienna Energy Forum and UN-Energy, the UN system-wide coordinating mechanism on energy issues.

The newsletter also features the UNCSD preparatory meeting for SIDS in the Atlantic, Indian, Mediterranean and South China Seas (AIMS) region, taking place from 7-8 July 2011, in Seychelles.

Finally, the newsletter announces the publication of “Adapting for a Green Economy: Companies, Communities and Climate Change,” offering guidance to business leaders and policy makers and aims to support their efforts leading up to Rio+20

CBD/ITPGR: Joint Activities for Treaty and ABS Protocol

During the 37th session of the FAO Conference, the Executive Secretary of CBD and the Secretary of the ITPGR  announced joint capacity-building activities for 2011 and early 2012, which will seek the coherent implementation of the ITPGR and the Nagoya Protocol.

Joint CBD/ITPGR Press Release

Saturday, July 2, 2011

EU: Preparations for Rio+20

The European Commission released a Communication on 20 June titled: "Rio+20: towards the green economy and better governance." In relation to improving governance, the Commission states that:

There are several options to strengthen sustainable development governance within the UN. One is to reinforce the role of [UN/ECOSOC] on sustainable development, with equal weight given to the economic, social and environment pillars. An alternative approach would be to upgrade the [UN/CSD] to a more permanent body with extended functions...
Building on the recommendations of the UNEP Nairobi-Helsinki process aimed at strengthening international environmental governance, UNEP needs to be reinforced. This could be achieved in several ways: i) enhancing UNEP within its current mandate; ii) strengthening UNEP with new tasks and responsibilities; iii) creation of a global multilateral environmental organisation, for example transforming UNEP into a UN Specialized Agency (such as the ILO). The latter option, which would entail the adoption of a legally binding treaty, would be the most promising way forward to improve international environmental governance and make progress towards global sustainable development...
As part of the strengthening of international environmental governance, the work on streamlining and reinforcing the MEA system needs to be accelerated. While respecting the autonomy of different MEAS, their administratio ncan be substantially streamlined, and overlaps reduced...
Reinforced capacity building for the environment is neeeded with the UN. this should include strengthening environmental expertise and green economy awareness with the UN country teams to promote mainstreaming in country programmes, increasing the range of expertise in UN/UNEP regional offices, and developing a system-wide framework for capaicity building for MEA implementation. The capacity to monitor the global environment should also be strengthened...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Ramsar Implementation in Caribbean

The second meeting of the Caribbean Wetlands Initiative discussed the region's implementation of the Ramsar Convention, and resulted in agreement on activities and material to be presented and disseminated during the upcoming Pan-American meeting scheduled to take place in December and Ramsar COP-11 from 19-26 June, 2012 in Bucharest (Romania).

Ramsar Press Release

CITES: Transition to E-Permitting

Senior Customs officers and authorities responsible for implementing CITES met in Managua (Nicaragua) from 27-29 June to discuss the transition from paper to electronic permitting systems, and laid out a road map to develop joint funding proposals to assist in the development of national and regional CITES e-permitting systems.

CITES Press Release