A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Monday, May 9, 2011

CBD-CITES: Bushmeat Meeting

The joint meeting of the CBD’s Bushmeat Liaison Group, and the Central Africa Bushmeat Working Group of CITES will take place from 6-10 June in Nairobi, (Kenya). The purpose of the workshop is to: encourage and enable parties and relevant intergovernmental organizations and NGOs to take effective action to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife resources in tropical and sub-tropical forests; develop options for small-scale food and income alternatives in tropical and sub-tropical countries based on the sustainable use of biodiversity; and revise the recommendations of the Liaison Group on Bushmeat. The CBD Secretariat has now circulated the agenda and list of sponsored experts.

CBD Notification
Meeting Documents

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