A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Friday, February 25, 2011

UNEP: Review of the Guidelines for Participation of Major Groups and Stakeholders

In line with paragraph 6 of the "Guidelines for Participation of Major Groups and Stakeholders in Policy Design at UNEP" (see http://www.unep.org/civil-society/Portals/59/Documents/Guidelines-for-CSO-participation-Aug2609.pdf), which calls for a review of the guidelines in 2011, UNEP will start the review process in April.
This process will be led by UNEP, in close cooperation with the Major Groups Facilitating Committee and input will be invited from all accredited Major Groups and Stakeholders. It is envisaged that the review will be finished by the end of 2011 latest. The new version of the guidelines will be in force after approval by the Executive Director.

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