A service of the International Council of Environmental Law -toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

A service of the International Council of Environmental Law - toward sustainable development - (ICEL)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

OECD/NEPAD: Ministerial Conference

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development concluded a ministerial conference in Dakar (Senegal) from 26-27 April on mobilizing investment in, and aid for, infrastructure and agriculture. Conclusions detailed the importance of: accelerating reform to spur investment; enhancing investment in Africa’s infrastructure and creating an enabling environment for this to take place; increasing investment in Africa’s agriculture; and mobilizing green investment for growth and employment. 

Webpage of Conference

NEPAD-OECD Africa Investment Initiative: Fifth Ministerial Conference: Co-Chairs' Conclusions

Business Statement to Ministers

Friday, April 29, 2011

ECOSOC: AMR Schedule

ECOSOC, as part of its 2011 Organizational Session, met on 26 April and adopted a decision on the themes of its Annual Ministerial Reviews (AMR) for the next three years, 2012-2014 as follows:
- 2012: “Promoting productive capacity, employment and decent work to eradicate poverty in the context of inclusive, sustainable and equitable economic growth at all levels for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.” 
- 2013: “Science, technology and innovation, and the potential of culture, for promoting sustainable development and achieving the Millennium Development Goals.”
- 2014:  “Addressing ongoing and emerging challenges for meeting the Millennium Development Goals in 2015 and for sustaining development gains in the future.”

For more information go to: http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/newfunct/amr.shtml


COP-5 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) convened from 25-29 April in Geneva (Switzerland). Among the 29 decisions, delegates adopted a decision on synergies among the Stockholm, Basel and Rotterdam Conventions and concluded with an agreement to add endosulfan to Annex A of the Convention and phase out its use. 

Conference website with link to advance meeting report inlcluding COP Decisions

COP5 Photo Gallery

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Basel/Stockholm/Rotterdam: Joint Secretary appointed

It was recently reported that UNEP has appointed Jim Willis (US) as the Joint Executive Secretary of the Basel, Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions. He took office on 18 April 2011.Willis has served as Director of the Chemical Control Division with the US/EPA, and previously as Director of the UNEP Chemicals Branch, including as Executive Secretary of the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Secretariats.

Technical Assistance Newsletter

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

IUCN Red List: Status of Mediterranean Sea

In a study released by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species program, titled “Overview of the conservation status of the marine fishes of the Mediterranean Sea,” IUCN has warned that more than 40 species of marine fish currently found in the Mediterranean could disappear in the next few years.

Sierra Leone: Natural Resource Management

UNEP, FAO and UNDP have announced their efforts to work together to provide capacity building and technical assistance in natural resource management to the Government of Sierra Leone. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Alpine Convention: Study on Environmental Law

The Secretariat of the Alpine Convention has published a legal study titled “Environmental Protection and Mountains: Is environmental law adapted to the challenges faced by mountain areas? Lessons from European ranges.”

UNECE Annual Report

UNECE has published its 2011 Annual Report, in which achievements in 2010 and opportunities in 2011 are summarized. The report includes sections that describe the work done by UNECE during 2010 on: advancing the pan-European environmental agenda; sustainable energy; timber and forestry; and fostering sustainable transport development.

UNECE Report 2011

Call for Stakeholder Input to UNCSD

The UNCSD (Rio+20) Secretariat has invited input and contributions to the Conference.

1) The Secretariat notes the invitation, on 8 March 2011, by the Preparatory Committee for the UNCSD to all member States, relevant UN system organizations and relevant stakeholders to provide inputs and contributions in writing for inclusion in a draft Conference outcome document. 

2) The UNCSD Bureau requests contributions from stakeholders covering the objective and the two themes of the Conference, as specified in UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution A/64/236.

Contributions should be submitted by 1 November 2011, either by e-mail (uncsd2012@un.org) or by fax (+1 212-963-1267).

Canada: Green Economy

The Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy (CIELAP) published a report, titled "Green Economy for Canada: Consulting with Canadians." The report sought the perspectives of diverse governments, NGOs, and thought leaders across Canada on what a green economy could mean for Canada in the lead-up to UNCSD (Rio+20).

Saturday, April 23, 2011

CBD: Geo-Engineering Liaison Group

The CBD Secretariat has called for experts to participate in a liaison group to work on defining climate-related geo-engineering and assessing the potential impacts of geo-engineering on biodiversity. Members should possess knowledge and understanding of geo-engineering, global change processes and biodiversity. Most of the work will be carried out electronically, however some members will meet from 29 June-1 July 2011, in London (UK).

CBD Notification

UNEP: Activities under Marrakech Process

UNEP has released a report titled "The Marrakech Process Progress Report: Paving the Way for Sustainable Consumption and Production".  

Mozambique: Dugong MOU

Mozambique has become the 19th signatory to the CMS Dugong MoU. Mozambique's Dugong population is the largest in East Africa, with 200-300 individuals. According to the CMS, the signing also commemorated the launch of a new pilot project in Bazaruto Bay, the center of Mozambique's Dugong population, on financial incentives for Dugong conservation and updating information on Dugong distribution, impact from by-catch, and their habitats in Mozambique.

CMS Press Release

UN Crime Commission: Resolution on Trafficking in Endangered Species

During its meeting from 11-15 April, the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) adopted a Resolution on "Crime prevention and criminal justice responses against illicit trafficking in endangered species of wild fauna and flora." 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Harmony with Nature?

The UN/GA has hosted an interactive dialogue on harmony with nature that will inform the ongoing preparations for UNCSD (Rio+20).

 Webpage on Dialogue

UN/GA Reduced Paper Consumption

The UN Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM) has announced the results of the introduction of cost-effective and environmentally-friendly technologies in its offices. The activities aimed to promote the UN S-G's vision of reducing GHG emissions.Activities include the introduction of digital documentation, including an e-subscription portal whereby users can receive documents electronically. According to DGACM, achievements in 2011 include a 42% reduction in the number of page impressions, down from 46 million to 26.7 million, avoiding the use of ten million sheets of paper; and a saving of 3.8 million gallons of water.

UN Greening the Blue Press Release

IEA: Biofuels Report

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released a report entitled “Technology Roadmap: Biofuels for Transport,” which describes the necessary steps to realize ambitious global biofuels targets.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Article: Indirect Land Use Change and Bioenergy

A recent article titled: "The iLUC dilemma: How to deal with indirect land use changes when governing energy crops" has been released here. The article covers the current state of the discussion and also analyses the approaches developed for taking indirect land use change into account. Assessment criteria for coping with the iLUC dilemma are developed and policy recommendations are derived from that.

ICSU: Preparation for UNCSD (Rio+20)

The International Council for Science convened a Rio+20 Regional Workshop for Asia and the Pacific, from 16-18 April in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). It was the first in a series of regional preparatory meetings for the UNCSD (Rio+20) being organized by ICSU.

Key outcomes of the meeting included agreements to develop specific Type II Partnership proposals to take forward to Rio+20, and that ISCU would encourage its national members to interact with their respective governments to ensure that science and technology plays a key role in the development of their national agenda for the Conference.

UNCSD (Rio+20): 15th Bureau Meeting

The Bureau for UNCSD (Rio+20) held its 15th meeting on 18 April.

In the second half of May, on a date to be announced, the Bureau will meet with international financial institutions in Washington, DC.

In July the Bureau will meet with the Principals of UN system organizations, on the margins of the substantive session of ECOSOC.

The Bureau’s 16th meeting is scheduled for 6 June. 

Minutes of 15th Meeting


In a briefing to ECOSOC on 19 April the UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) discussed the highlights and outcomes of its Spring meeting, which took place from 1-2 April 2011, in Nairobi (Kenya).

IISD Summary

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

UN/S-G's GSP: Meeting of Sherpa's and Senior Advisers

The Sherpas and Senior Advisors to the members of the UN/S-G's High-level Panel on Global Sustainability met from 13-14 April in Madrid (Spain). The report of the Sherpas’ meeting summarizes the Sherpas’ discussions of implementing the framework articulated at the GSP-2  in Cape Town (South Africa)

GSP-3 will take place in Helsinki (Finland) from 16-17 May.

Micronesia: Strategic Plan on Invasive Species

The Secretariat of SPREP has announced that the Micronesian leaders that form the Micronesia Regional Invasive Species Council (RISC) have agreed to develop a five-year strategic plan on addressing invasive species. RISC agreed to five goals for the 2012-2016 Plan, including: public awareness; communication and cooperation; working closely with the Micronesia Chief Executives; human and financial resources; and harmonization of regional biosecurity measures. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

European Commission: Proposed Energy Tax Overhaul

The European Commission has unveiled a proposal to overhaul the rules on the taxation of energy products in the EU. The proposal includes new rules to restructure the taxation of energy products to remove current imbalances and take into account both their emissions and energy content. The proposal is expected to favor renewable energy sources and encourage the consumption of energy sources emitting less carbon dioxide, as well as to complement the existing EU Emission Trade Scheme (ETS) by applying a carbon dioxide tax to sectors that are out of the ETS scope (transport, households, agriculture and small industries). The proposal needs to be discussed by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers of the EU, and is expected to enter into force in 2013.

EU Press Release

African Experts: Climate Change and Health

On the eve of the 5th Conference of African Ministers of Health (CAMH-5), a group of experts from African Union (AU) members States met to identify the major effects of climate change on health in Africa and to discuss actions to mitigate its impact.

 The Impact of Climate Change on Health and Development in Africa - Overview of the Theme

Monday, April 18, 2011

UNECE: 2010 MDG Report

UNECE has published the report "The MDGs in Europe and Central Asia: Achievements, Challenges and the Way Forward.” On MDG-7 (environmental sustainability), the report notes that tangible progress has been made in integrating the environmental dimension into sectoral policy-making, reducing carbon dioxide emissions, increasing energy efficiency and strengthening the sustainable management of forests. The report also notes, however, that: the level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains too high in Western Europe; considerable efforts need to be made for improving energy efficiency in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECA); access to safe drinking water is still a major problem in rural areas of countries of south-east Europe; and the number of households living in informal settlements is increasing in a number of countries of the EECCA and south-east Europe regions.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rio+20: Making it Happen Volume 2, Issue 7

This issue focuses on the Interactive Dialogue of the General Assembly on Harmony With Nature, on 20 April 2011, the Commission on Sustainable Development, as well other related information on the preparatory processes leading up to Rio+20

NGO Activities for UNCSD (Rio+20)

The Sustainable Development Issues Network (SDIN) has launched an online platform for NGOs to exchange information on activities leading up to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

Saturday, April 16, 2011

BRICS: 3rd Leader's Meeting

The 3rd BRICS (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa) Leaders' meeting was held in Sanya (China) on 14 April under the theme "Broad Vision, Shared Prosperity.” The meeting was attended by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, Russian Federation President Dmitry Medvedev, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Chinese President Hu Jintao and South African President Jacob Zuma who discussed growth and development, and energy and climate change, among other issues. The meeting concluded with the adoption of the "Sanya Declaration," in which BRICS leaders commit to deepen their exchange and cooperation in various fields including finance, think tanks, business, science and technology.

CBD COP-10: Legal Analysis related to Climate Change

Elisa Morgera has shared her recent paper titled: "Faraway, So Close: A Legal Analysis of the Increasing Interactions between the Convention on Biological Diversity and Climate Change Law", which recently appeared in Climate Law.

A pre-publication version of the article can be downloaded at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1753810.

Friday, April 15, 2011

EU Strategy for the Danube Region

The ministers of the 27 EU Member States have endorsed the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, which was proposed by the European Commission in December 2010. Preparations for implementation of the Strategy are already underway. The Strategy is based on a “macro-regional” approach and focuses on four main pillars:
- "connecting the Danube Region" including removal of shipwrecks and other debris from the river bed, and the 4Biomass project to boost renewable energies;
- "protecting the environment in the Danube Region" by restoring water quality, managing environmental risks and preserving biodiversity through wetland restoration and implementation of a network of protected areas;
- "building prosperity in the Danube Region;" and
- "strengthening the Danube Region" by developing institutional capacity and improving cooperation, including developing common guidelines for spatial planning.

The European Commission is expected to monitor implementation of the Strategy and publish a first report at the end of 2012.

Additional Information

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Trade Unions and Climate Change

At a dialogue organized by Sustainlabour in Madrid, international trade unions met with the UN/S-G's High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP) and business and NGO representatives, to call for decisive and ambitious climate action in the lead-up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Durban (South Africa) (UNFCCC COP-17/CMP-7) at the end of 2011, and at UNCSD (Rio+20).

ITUC Press Release

Forest Basins Summit

To be held in Brazzaville (DRC), the Summit of Heads of State and Government from 35 States with territory in the Amazon, Congo and Borneo-Mekong Forest Basins aims to achieve a plan for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems therein. In a statement made by Henri Djombo, the minister of sustainable development, forestry and environment of the Republic of Congo, provided preparations for the Forest Basins Summit.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Portugal: OECD Review

A new report titled “OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Portugal 2011”  underscores Portugal’s environmental achievements and makes recommendations for further improvement.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SEECP: Energy and Sustainable Development

Ministers responsible for sustainable development and energy in South East Europe held a meeting on "Green Economy in the Energy Sector in the Context of Sustainable Development," under the South-East Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP), and adopted the Budva Declaration on regional cooperation for energy and sustainable development.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Central America: Biodiversity Loss

A new technical report finds that Central America has lost 52% of its original biodiversity and is projected to lose up to 58% by 2030 and attributes most of the loss to land-use changes. The report provides: assessments by country, regional baseline information, projection of trends through 2030 and detailed information on protected areas in seven of the eight countries. The report's stated goal is to provide countries with better data to aid decision-making regarding the protection, conservation and use of the region's biodiversity.

Guide to Ecosystem Valuation

IUCN and the WBCSD have released a publication titled "Guide to Corporate Ecosystem Valuation: A framework for improving corporate decision-making." The Guide aims to enhance business' understanding of the benefits and value of ecosystem services and explains how firms should examine issues such as: environmental risks in transportation, stakeholder compensation options, potential revenue opportunities in emerging environmental markets, and the  impact of regulatory changes on the availability of natural resources.

Article: Critique of CBD and ABS

A recent article titled: "Biological Diversity: A Common Heritage" from the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) casts doubt on the benefits of CBD and the associated Nagoya Protocol.

IRENA: PrepCom-5/Assembly-1

The 5th and final meeting of the Preparatory Commission of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) merged with the first meeting of that Agency’s Assembly in Abu Dhabi (UAE). PrepCom 5 readied provisional decisions to forward to the Assembly’s meeting, which convened on the following day under the Presidency of Sultan Al Jaber (UAE) and was attended by 950 participants.

Amid sessions of the Assembly, a High Level segment was held addressing issues such as: national initiatives for the deployment of renewable energy; development and energy; energy access and energy poverty; climate change; the mandate of IRENA; and governance. Furthermore, a Ministerial Roundtable considered “The Strategic Needs for a Clean Energy Future.”

Amid a number of decisions, the Assembly appointed Adnan Amin as Director-General for a term of four years and agreed by acclimation that Abu Dhabi shall be the permanent seat of the Agency.

A comprehensive report was published in "Environmental Policy and Law: The journal for decision-makers" Volume 41/2 (IOS Press).

USA: Alaskan Legislature Joint Resolution on UNCLOS

The Alaska Legislature sent a resolution on April 6 to the US Congress urging it to sign UNCLOS and thus protect the nation's rights in the Arctic and be a part of the governing body for world ocean policy.

House Joint Resolution 19 passed the Alaska Senate by a vote of 15-2 and was sent to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Chair John Kerry, SCFR Ranking Republican Richard Lugar, Alaska's congressional delegation, and all other members of the U.S. Senate.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Report: Social Contract for Sustainability

The German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), an independent scientific advisory body, has published a report titled  “World in Transition: A Social Contract for Sustainability.” The report recommends establishing a “UN Council for Sustainable Development,” on par with the UN Security Council. Among other measures, the report also highlights reasons for the urgent need for a “post fossil-nuclear metabolism,” and presents 10 sets of concrete measures to accelerate the transition to sustainability.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pace Law School: ‘International Judicial Institute Symposium'

The symposium took place on April 1, 2011 aiming to foster professionalism and effectiveness in environmental adjudications world-wide, as a contribution to strengthening the rule of law and furthering sustainable development. In cooperation with IUCN-CEL, an international Steering Committee is guiding the planning for the Institute’s first year of programs. 

A video of the symposium is posted at: http://www.pace.edu/school-of-law/news-events/video-archive.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

World Bank Approves "Save our Species Program"

The World Bank approved a US$4.9 million grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to support five years of Save our Species (SOS) work, complemented by an additional US$5 million from the World Bank’s Development Grant Facility.

SOS aims to tackle the challenge of biodiversity loss by matching financial support from private business with international conservation expertise and countries facing species extinction. SOS is establishing a grants program, with grants ranging from US$25,000 to US$800,000 awarded to civil society organizations able to show strong conservation outcomes for threatened species. More than 60 grants are expected to be made over five years.

SOS Project Website

IEA: Smart Grids Report

The International Energy Agency  has released the report "Technology Roadmap- Smart Grids," which underscores that the widespread deployment of smart grids is critical for a secure, cost-effective and clean energy future.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ITPGR: Training Materials

The Secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR) has produced the first in a series of five comprehensive educational modules on the operation of the Treaty.
Subsequent modules will provide details about the Treaty’s main components: conservation and sustainable use, farmers’ rights, the Multilateral System and the Funding Strategy.

Module 1

Abidjan Convention: COP-9

Delegates to the Convention for Co-operation in the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the West and Central African Region (Abidjan Convention) convened from 28 March-1 April in Accra (Ghana) and agreed to create an Oil Spill Contingency Plan and establish a regional centre for cooperation in case of oil spills and other emergencies, as well as to develop a Marine Protected Areas Protocol.

COP-9 Website

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Amazon Forest Authorities: Activites for IYF

The 1st meeting of forest authorities of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), held in Bogotá (Colombia) from 29-30 March agreed on a set of common activities during the International Year of Forests (IYF) and on guidelines for medium- and long-term cooperation under ACTO's Strategic Agenda for Amazonian Cooperation. 

 [ACTO Press Release]

Rio+20: Making it Happen Volume 2, Issue 6

This is a special issue focusing on one of the two themes of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), a "green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication." It provides information and resources on the preparatory work on the theme along with upcoming events.

LDC's Report from Eminent Persons Group

The UN Secretary-General’s Eminent Persons Group on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) has released its report, titled “Compact for Inclusive Growth and Prosperity.” The report finds that the structural limitations of LDCs must be addressed in order to close the gap between LDCs and the rest of the world, and outlines objectives and targets for a new Programme of Action (PoA), including on small island developing States (SIDS) and climate change.

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Publication on Governing MPAs

“Governing Marine Protected Areas: Getting the Balance Right" is a technical report describing the findings of research focused on the complexities of MPA governance. It is intended to provide a foundation for further case studies and discussion to provide guidance on how to combine top-down, bottom-up and market approaches for reaching and implementing decisions in order to achieve effective and equitable MPAs in seas under national jurisdiction. 

EU Investing in Colombian Rainforest

Through a CBD LifeWeb Initiative, the EU in partnership with Colombian Institutions is investing €3.1 million, through its Environment and Natural Resources programme, including the Energy thematic programme, over 24 months.

Press Release

Sunday, April 3, 2011

UNEP: UN Emissions Report

UNEP has released a report titled “Moving Towards a Climate Neutral UN,” which details the greenhouse gas emissions for 52 UN institutions. The report states that the UN's total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for 2009 was 1.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide  equivalent.

According to the report, the GHG inventory includes emissions from all activities that are under the direct financial control of the UN, including the heating and cooling of buildings and the travel of staff. Over 50% of the UN's emissions are derived from air travel, approximately 37% of emissions are from buildings, and 13% from vehicles.

CMS: Gorillla Agreement

The 1st Meeting of the Technical Committee  in Kigali (Rwanda) from 29-30 March 2011called for better enforcement of wildlife law in the 10 countries in Africa with gorilla populations and concluded that the following must be strengthened: transboundary collaboration; coordination with UN peacebuilding missions, such as the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); and law enforcement agencies, with increased resources and training for law enforcement personnel and rangers.

CMS Press Release

Saturday, April 2, 2011

IMF regarding Climate Change

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has issued a factsheet on "Climate Change and the IMF," which suggests that stabilizing global atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases will require a dramatic transformation of the entire global energy system, and recommends fiscal instruments to internalize environmental costs and large-scale and predictable financial assistance for developing countries to support action on climate change.

IEA: Renewable Energy and Climate Change

The International Energy Agency has released a working paper by Cédric Philibert titled “Interactions of Policies for Renewable Energy and Climate” illustrating that, even where carbon dioxide emissions are capped or priced, financial support for renewable energy technologies is justified due to the immaturity of renewable technologies and and inexperience with them in the marketplace.